Message in a bottle scheme

When time is saved, lives are saved!


This is a voluntary scheme for anyone living at home, who might be reassured to know that essential information would be readily available to the Emergency Services should they suffer an accident or sudden illness. The scheme ensures that vital information is available not only to identify you, but to advise of relevant illnesses, allergies, medication and contact addresses.

The scheme is supported by Ambulance, Police, Fire & Rescue Services, Emergency Doctors and NHS Primary Care Trusts. The suggested place to keep the bottle is in the fridge.  By attaching the green sticker at eye level to the inside your main entrance door and on your fridge door the Emergency Services will be then be made aware that there is vital information available to them.

These bottles and the form are free of charge and are available from the Community Centre (MICA), on the the High Street, West Mersea and The Seaview Cafe, Seaview Avenue, West Mersea.  Alternatively please call Lion Roy Chamberlain on 01206 385822 or Lion Colin Kimble on 07944 040836