Presentation Evening 2018
This is the evening when we make donations to local charities and deserving causes as a result of our fund-raising throughout the year. It is also the occasion when we are able to publicly thank our volunteers and those who sponsor our fund-raising events. Without their help we could not raise these funds, or carry out our work in the community. We call them S.M.I.L.Es – Supporting Mersea Island Lions Efforts.
Our President, Lion Margaret Kimberley, led the proceedings and introduced our distinguished guests Lions International 105EA District Governor Lion Derek Prior, Region Chairman Lion Sandie Briault and her husband Lion Tony, Zone Chairman Lion Liz Godden and her husband Lion Jim, and the West Mersea Town Council Deputy Mayor Cllr. Paula Moore.
DONATIONS given to charities and deserving causes during the past year was over £11,000
- Cheques of £500 each were presented to the following charities during the evening:-
Essex Air Ambulance
Mersea Island Beaver Scouts
Mersea Island Youth Field (to purchase a Bench)
Mersea Island First Responders
Mersea Island School Kayak Club
Mersea Island Museum
West Mersea & District Flower Club
Mersea Island RNLI
Mersea Island Lifeguards
East Mersea Church
Colchester Hospital Cancer Campaign
Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
Little Haven’s Children’s Hospice
Suffolk & Lowlands Search & Rescue (covers Essex)
Alzheimer’s Society
Lions 105EA District Governor Lady’s Charity – Breast Reconstruction Awareness
2. Donations were made to clubs and individuals during the past year when the Club had been asked for financial help. Some of the ways in which we have helped this year are:-
Taking Two Austistic families to the Lions Children’s Fun Day at Gt Yarmouth Circus
Children in Need
RBL Poppy Appeal
Sponsoring Zac Frost on his Everest Expedition to raise money for the Children’s Society
A Christmas Day lunch and tea for 21 people home-alone on Christmas Day
Christmas presents of boxes of biscuits for memgers of the MICA Monday Lunch Club
GB Lions International Special Olympics
Lions International Sight Appeal
Lions International Texan Flood Appeal
The monies enabling us to support these worthy causes had been raised by:-
Manning the gate at a Waldegraves Car Boot Sale
Selling raffle tickets on behalf of the Mersea Food Drink and Leisures Festival
Round the Island All Terrain Race (half marathon), and 5 & 10 Mile Races
The Annual Lions Summer Show and Transport Display
Car-parking for the Colchester and District Scooter Rally
Selling mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls at Mersea Lights-up
The Christmas Street Collection for the Home-alone Christmas Dinners
Donations from our beach-hut which is available for use in the community.
Once again we are most grateful to David Lord of Waldegraves Holiday and Leisure Park for enabling us to hold this annual event in the Wheatsheaf. We are particularly indebted to Chris Parsons and Glen Pacey and all their staff who do so much to make the evening such a huge success.
We were so delighted to receive a donation of £1,500 from Waldegraves to kick start our fund-raising for this coming year.

Guests at our 2018 Presentation Evening
Report by Lion Bridget Smith